6 Tips To Always Know What To Say To a Girl You Want To Date

There's a lucky lady you're interested in.

Maybe you lot know her from campus or piece of work…

Or you've just seen her walk past at your gym or neighborhood.

One matter's sure: y'all know you want to date her.

Merely what do y'all say to a girl you lot want to date?

Well, read up! Because in this commodity I'll bear witness you:

  • 6 Tips that brand talking to the daughter yous like easy
  • 7 things you can say today to turn your conversations into dates
  • How you lot tin ready yourself apart from all other men with the right mindset
  • 3 techniques to guide your online conversations with women to success
  • How yous tin take her out spontaneously on an instant date
  • Much more to say to a daughter you want to date…

By the way, have you seen my free Transformation Kit?

Y'all'll go my best stuff absolutely complimentary: 12 Opening lines that actually piece of work, my 5 best texting tips (including copy-paste lines for Tinder), and the Friendzone Houdini. Download the Transformation Kit here.

Tip #1: What Not to say to a girl you want to appointment

I call back nosotros all know the following scenario all too well.

Imagine yous are back in loftier schoolhouse again…

Surrounded by friends, shitty teachers, and, of course, your loftier school crush.

Sure as hell y'all wanted to date her!

And then whenever she's around, yous put your best foot forrad…

Sitting adjacent to her in class, doing homework together…

Proverb the things that she wanted to hear, hoping she'd notice you.

Months go past, carefully edifice up to the moment you observe the balls to enquire her out.

Then she politely says:

"I'm sorry but I run into you more than like a friend…"


Merely when yous idea you were on the correct rail, she banishes you lot down the path deep into the friendzone.

But look for it…

You actually chose that path yourself months back.

Information technology's the upshot of your own doing – or amend yet, lack of doing.

Because you didn't accept any initiative to make a motion on her.

No teasing, no flirting…

You lot waited around until something would magically happen.

As if in one moment to the next, she'll be madly in beloved with yous. Sparks suddenly flying and people around you outset clapping, dancing, and burst into song.

Erm… no buddy. Life isn't High School Musical.

And so what has these high schoolhouse memories taught us (autonomously from making badass dioramas)?

Well, information technology should accept taught yous that y'all needed to homo upwards!

The reason why she sees you equally a friend is because you acted like a friend.

You didn't show her your true intention and kept your romantic interest hidden backside your friendly charade.

Instead, y'all want to put yourself out there by teasing and flirting with her.

And so drop the charade and show you are interested in her past maxim the right things…

And what those exactly are, I'll get to in a bit.


Can't wait to become started seducing your crush? And then check out my free Transformation Kit for 12 lines that hook.

Tip #2: Why you are maxim the wrong things

Before we become to the goodies…

You need to understand WHY you're making this mistake.

Because you know you desire to date her, yet you play the Waiting Game. And with that, she'southward holding all the cards.

What do I hateful with that?

Nigh men face ane or more of these bug:

  • Yous take the Incorrect thought that you need to impress her.
  • You have no other options.
  • You notice one woman also of import (AKA pedestalizing).
  • You are afraid to go rejected.

And I could go on…

And so, what'south the reason for your silly ass beliefs?

Yous might not like to hear this…

But underneath the surface there'south probably a couple of 'em. So, take a moment and reflect on your patterns with women.

These faulty mindsets are nasty and will crumble your chances with her before y'all've fifty-fifty spoken to her.


Desire to kiss the friendzone cheerio forever? Then check out my article on how to get out of the friendzone one time and for all.


Look, all of these issues boil down to i thing.

They volition manifest themselves in your relationship towards her.

They're reflected in your interactions, your beliefs, the things you say to her, the style you say it – all of information technology.

Basically, they largely determine the manner you position yourself towards her.

Pretty toxic stuff for your interactions with her.

And on top of that, if you merely but don't know what to say to a woman you lot want to date…

BIG chance you'll detect yourself being the friendly friend and equally far away from a engagement with the missus as Mr. Forrest Gump himself.

So earlier I show yous what to say to a girl you want to date…

You need to shake off this toxic perception and become your mindset right.

Let's become to it, in the side by side tip.

Tip #3: The right mindset to talk to a girl you like

Information technology's non what you say, but how you say it.

No doubt you've heard this earlier. And non without reason, 'cuz this adage contains a bullet of truth.

A large part of how we communicate is in between the lines.

Straight upwardly, I could requite you some sweet words to say to a girl you want to engagement. Only sweetness words won't cut it if they don't match your mindset.

Better notwithstanding, your mindset is far more important than saying the "right" things…

"That's slap-up Dan, but what is the right mindset to talk to a daughter you want to date?"

Great question, my love reader.

It starts with rethinking your human relationship with women. Let's reframe your situation, what if:

  • You don't focus on impressing her
  • You have plenty of other options
  • You don't solely focus on one woman
  • And you put rejection into perspective

Nosotros'll accept that concluding one under the loop and see how it would wait like.

Suppose you flirt with her. This puts her in the position to discover out whether she likes you lot or non.

If she likes you lot – corking.

And if she doesn't, come across information technology as something positive. Big chance and then that it wouldn't accept worked between you two anyway…

So instead of seeing rejection as the terminate of the world, you desire to put things in perspective and realize your self-worth.

Something that helps a great deal with that is to pursue your goal in life.

Having something larger and more important than yourself to focus on will help y'all to see your relationship with women in a different light.

Because when y'all put your all into your goal, yous no longer place the focus on the women around you.

And what happens then?

She'll feel less force per unit area from you. In fact, you get more attractive to her.

Because she knows you lot take your goal in heed, and she'due south merely happy to join yous on the ride.

The ride existence your journey of course, not just the sexy times…

And now, with this mindset at present planted in your brain…

I think it'due south about time I show you what to say to a girl you want to date.

Tip #4: Starting time saying these vii things to your crush TODAY

Alright bro.

Without whatever further ado, here are iv things you tin say today to the girl y'all desire to date.

  1. Making your intentions clear

When talking with her, she needs to understand what your intention is.

Don't leave her guessing why you're at that place but evidence that you're interested in her.

Declining to do this ways she'll brand the decision for you. And that's unremarkably not the one you desire..

"Damn, you await sexy when you wear your hair down…"

"If you were my girlfriend, we would nail the Halloween couples costume competition"

"Seeing you beverage your java with milk and sugar, I'chiliad sure nosotros'll never piece of work out together *flash before yous plough around and walk off* "

Yet don't misfile making your intentions clear with simply blurting them out or throwing them on the table.

Without dash, she'll call up you're joking or just plain weird like Borat.

  1. Flirting

Although information technology's so much more that alone…

Flirting is the nuance you're looking for.

It's the primal to making your intentions clear in a polish way.

You could playfully hint at going on a date together:

"You went stone climbing this weekend? That's funny – I usually take my dates there…"

Or tease her by accusing her of hit on y'all:

"Are you simply existence extra friendly or is this you flirting with me?"

"Wow, was I just victim to one of your killer flirt moves?"

But make sure to say it with a big smile and don't be too serious near it.

For more on flirting, bank check out this commodity: How to flirt with women – the 4 Bad-mannered-costless ways.

  1. Actually request her

What makes a good salesman?

It's the nearly oft overlooked quality, to close the deal.

Uncanny how well it applies to dating besides.

Nearly men remember it's enough to just hint at the date by flirting…

They eventually fail or forget to pull the trigger by really asking her.

And so take initiative and simply suggest the date to her:

"Hey, I know this awesome bar that you lot'll beloved… Let's take hold of some drinks together this Friday at 8!"

Get in straightforward and clear that you lot're not interested in meeting her as a friend.

Simple equally that, no need to overcomplicate.

  1. Getting her number

While it may seem like an obvious move to make, I see getting her number as a second resort.

Considering ideally, y'all don't desire to hide behind a screen when talking to the girl y'all want to date.

That said, dating present is inseparable from online and texting. And sometimes getting her digits is simply your adjacent step in your advances…

In any instance, you demand to show her your intent on why y'all want her number…

Not to exist her friend but to bear witness you're interested in her and want to plan the date.


Check out this article if you lot want 5 clever ways to become a girl'south phone number (without being creepy)

Got her number or Insta? Nice.

Scroll alee for that good-good to better your text game.

Tip #v: How to talk to the girl yous want to date online

So you got her number, messenger, Insta… now what?

Wait three days before texting her like Barney Stinson from How I Met Your Mother?

Hell no…

Dump that 3-day rule correct in the bin and override your retention with these three gold rules:

  1. Use it every bit a vehicle

It's tempting to lose yourself in your online chat with her.

Something we want to avoid at all costs…

Because what would you rather do:

Hours of friendly chitchat on your phone with no articulate intention…

Or really taking her out on a appointment where you lot interact, cuddle and kiss.

That'due south what I thought.

Y'all want to meet texting with her equally a medium for planning the engagement. Just the instrument you use to set up your date.

Of class, you never want to pressure her into a date likewise speedily…

Simply my point is, that your online contact should non replace your actual contact.

And so see it as the titbit to the main class, and you'll be sure to stay articulate from getting sucked into the texting whirlpool.

  1. Fasten her emotions

A BIG fault for nigh men: boring her to sleep with lame texts…

Lame chats like these work as a bad omen for every woman.

That's why you want to flirt in your chat, tease her and get personal. Show your interest in a subtle fashion and even challenge her a bit.

In curt, you want to spike her emotions.

One clever way is to turn her own texts into something flirty:

I was at the gym earlier.

Hmm, so you remembered I like sporty women.

Also, come across the lack of emojis? Leaving these and 'haha' out of your texts will make your flirting 10x stronger.


Feeling lost in the globe of digital flirting? Wisen up your knowledge with this article and get my 10 commandments of online dating.

  1. Emotional momentum

What makes a good salesman?

"Wait what?"

Surprised to see it again? Well, my dear reader, things practise become in cycles.

Besides when yous're texting, you need to close the deal.

So how exercise you secure the date via text?

The trick here is to propose the engagement right afterwards the emotional peak. Merely put, y'all want to use the emotional momentum of your convo.

Could be after you cleft her up with a bad joke or when she responds excitedly most something you accept in common:

OMG. I love Mexican food.

Proposing the date right at this peak will feel more than natural and 18-carat. She'll be emotionally invested by the expert vibes and more likely to say yes.

Give her a specific fourth dimension and place or activity so you avoid flaky or vague commitments.

At that place'due south a new Mexican joint in town, permit'southward check information technology out together. I'm gratuitous on Tuesday or Thursday at seven.

Tip #6: What to say to a girl to keep a date instantly

What if I told you, y'all can skip texting birthday and keep a appointment with her correct away, on the same day.

Yep, it'due south for real. You can talk to the girl you like and take her out in the next instant.

Welcome to the globe of instant dates.

"Wow Dan, how do I play that off?"

Let's take an example:

After class, or work, or only after leaving the subway, you find yourself chatting to the girl y'all similar. Y'all seem to hit it off. Cool. Then it turns out she has nowhere to be when you ask her about her plans later…

Hither, y'all could go for her number. Just wait, she hasn't got anything on, think?

Well, elevate her to the nearest coffee store!

I mean, invite her to grab a coffee.

(Or get for a walk, arctic in the park or get shopping…)

Just don't enquire it, but suggest it casually equally if it'southward the well-nigh normal thing in the world:

"Hey that's nice. I'm not in a hurry either. Let's grab a quick java over there."

Let information technology appear to exist short and easy-going, although an hr long isn't uncommon…

Keep it light-hearted and prepare yourself to lead her to your instant date.

Just beware: this approach tin besides bring you dangerously close to the Friendzone edge if you fail to make your intention crystal clear.

Talking to the girl you want to engagement

Alright bro…

Now you've got the right tools, information technology'southward time for action.

And this is BY FAR the most crucial thing you lot'll read today…

Because hither you take the option of how you will continue to live your life:

Either yous continue downwards the path of missed chances and friendzones, seeing the girls you lot want to appointment fall in dearest with the wrong guys…


You lot cull to quit fooling effectually and beginning talking to the girls you want to date, making your friends jealous with the number of dates y'all score.

It all depends on whether you lot follow through.

Now comes the time where you need to actually DO it. Talk to that girl you like. Next fourth dimension you see your crush, flirt with her. Inquire her out on a date.

No more excuses. Considering now you lot know what to say to a girl you want to appointment.

And only for these defended men…

Yous tin notice another 33 ready-to-use lines for talking to your beat out in my gratuitous Transformation Kit.

Get it below.

Your bro,
Dan de Ram

Stop awkward conversations
and painful rejections

My gratuitous Transformation Kit will make you irresistible to women.

  • 12 Opening Lines that Actually Work
  • 5 Date Generating Texting Tips (Plus Copy-Paste Lines for Tinder)
  • The Friendzone Escape-Room Trick

Yes, give me the Transformation Kit!


Source: https://www.attractiongym.com/what-to-say-to-a-girl-you-want-to-date/

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